My husband and I just watched "The Future of Food
" and "Food, Inc." If you have not seen these movies I recommend you watch them. It opened our eyes to what an outrageous and scary situation our country is in regarding food and treatment of animals that we eat. We usually buy organic when it is available (in Germany organic foods are labeled Bio). I was not only mortified to learn about all the feces in meat that we eat as well as the poor treatment of the animals but also that companies are chemically modifying the plants we eat. There are true costs of "cheap food" and I no longer want any part of it.
Here is the plan. I am going to try and only buy organic and locally grown produce. When we eat out I am going to strive for vegetarian options. I am not going to eat any meat for at least a week. My son doesn't like meat very much anyway so it won't be hard for him. My husband and I do like meat so this will be somewhat of a challenge, thankfully there are some great meat alternatives.
If you are a vegetarian or vegan and have any tips, please share them with me. Any good websites, books, recipes, etc.
Oh She Glows has a ton of vegan and vegetarian recipes and tips. She's heavy on sweets and breakfast meals, but also has a lot of mains and sides and sauces.