You can see the rain falling |
This past weekend we got a lot of rain. Friday evening I volunteered at an event called Holiday Magic, where my MOPS (mothers of preschoolers) group sold soup, bread, and gently used children's clothes. Santa Claus comes to this event, children from the schools sing Christmas songs, and different organizations set up booths to raise money. It was raining and I had Blue Rock with me so I didn't take any pictures at Holiday Magic.
This weekend was also our town's Christmas market. We went with our next door neighbors last year and we decided to go again with them this year. We truly are super blessed to have such fantastic neighbors on both sides of us. I brought my camera with me to this market and took pictures, even though it was still raining.
Our neighbors made pork sandwiches and European beans (kind of like baked beans but not really sweet) for dinner. Then we walked downtown to the market with them. Thankfully Saturday night it was just sprinkling. Sunday, when Santa was suppose to be there, it was pouring rain. So we didn't even attempt to go back to the market. One difference between Germany and say Texas is, typically things you do in your town you walk to. There is limited parking downtown and it's really only about a 5 minute walk. Even though Santa was going to be inside the concert hall, we decided not to go. Santa doesn't bring that much to our house but he is coming for St. Nikolaus Tag (St. Nicholas Day) tonight. We'll put out a boot and see what he brings Blue Rock. If you want to participate, leave your child's boot outside the door tonight and he will leave a treat, usually something sweet, in the boot if they have been good. If they have not been good, he will leave twigs.
Here are a few pictures from our town's Christmas market.
Blue Rock enjoying the swing ride |
My cute husband standing with our neighbors cheering Blue Rock on as he flies by on the swing |
Me and our town's lovely Christmas tree |
Jana and I enjoying a hot drink |
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